Dear Tom;

         I  don't open any emails on topics in which I am not interested.
   If  someone  makes  a  statement  and I disagree with it, I say so and
   attempt to argue for my view. I don't tell them to be quiet and accuse
   them  of  being  rude.  Arto  has  obviously been deeply disturbed and
   troubled  by the  actions  of  the  current US Government.  If Arto is
   wrong in his view of the situation, the task is to tell him so and set
   right. It is not up to me to decide for anyone what is proper and what
   is  improper  for  this  forum.  I repeat,  I don't open any emails on
   topics in which I am not interested.

               All the Best,


   ----- Original Message -----
   Date: Mon, 31 May 2004 07:38:23 EDT
   Subject: Mute (off topic)
   > Dear Gary,
   >  Of  course there is no 'manual or document where the parameters and
   nature of
   >  this  discussion group are set forth'. It just strikes me as common
   courtesy to
   >  stick  to  the matter in hand. As I said in my original message, do
   you want to
   >  hear  me nattering on about Liverpool or Arsenal footballs clubs? I
   > suspect not.
   >  Allow  me  to  make a point that occurred to me with regard to this
   >  Heydrich, the Nazi governor of 'Bohemia' was by all accounts a good
   >  who  played  the  Bach solo violin repertoire. Had he taken part in
   such a forum
   >  as  this for violins under a pseudonym, we would not have known who
   he was,
   >  and  as  long as he kept to the subject in hand, he would have been
   one of 'us'.
   >  Indeed,  I  have no idea whether or how many participants here have
   >  ideas (or are anti-Liverpool/Arsenal) which I would find repulsive.
   Nor do I much
   >  care. That is not the point of this list, a fact surely too obvious
   to need
   > pointing out, let alone requiring a manual or document.
   >  I  am  glad  to read what people have to say about the lute and its
   music. I am
   >  old enough, well-read enough and have enough moral sense to form my
   >  opinions  on  politics and the like. I most certainly don't wish to
   have them preached
   > at me by people I don't otherwise know and whose motives are none of
   > business, as my private thoughts are none of theirs. If I so wished,
   and was indeed
   >  foolish enough, there is plenty I could say about participants here
   from this
   >  or that country the behaviour of which has had a profound effect on
   my life
   > and that of my family. But (a) guilt by association is as low as one
   can get
   >  (b)  if I sign up here, I knowingly join a community dealing with a
   > subject and nothing else (c) insinuating that people from particular
   > are, simply by virtue of the fact they come from said countries, not
   > company for other members is insulting in the extreme.
   >  I  could, if daft enough, as I said, play that game ad nauseam, but
   to descend
   >  to such levels ought to be beneath the dignity of those taking part
   in the
   > discussions here.
   > Kindest regards
   > Tom
   > --

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