Nylgut - obtained from the intestines of a riverine animal native to Egypt.
Thought to be related to the Nauga.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 9:37 PM
Subject: RE: Mike Godfrey - HEY!! I got my 10 Course back!

> Hey, I got my 10-course lute back with the fixed fracture in the
> Okay, I've forgotten what a joyless exercise it is to tune a 10-course
> My fingers already hurt.  Plus, the majority of my strings are nylon
> sound...).
> I'm not up on all the string types, though.  Everyone praises nylgut?  Is
> that part animal / part plastic?  The lower strings on my lute are the
> heavier metal/cable type.
> The nylon is buzzy at times.  That stinks.  BUT...most importantly, my
> is probably under one thousand pounds of pressure right now, having been
> tuned, and the slight fracture isn't showing at all!
> That makes me happy.
> The pegs are holding well...thank you larry brown...and at times, they are
> so freakin tight, it really does cause finger pain to tune it.  It's the
> "closeness" of the pegs that make it hard to tune everything...one string
> gets as pitch perfect as I can make it, and the next peg I go to turn, my
> knuckle knocks the last peg.  Plus, I have one of those pitch pipes...not
> the digital tuners, so when I'm blowing a G, I also hear F# and A flat.
> Reminiscent of Mr. Rogers' choo-choo train.  This is distracting to the
> point of screamed obscenity, and invariably, the pitch pipe is dropped
> my mouth and lost in the sofa...or one of my dogs try to run with it.
> It literally has been ages since I played, so I was sort of at a loss.
> All in all, I am happy.  I DO REALLY need new strings.  The nylon has to
> Are "gut" strings from an animal?  If so, what kind of animal?
> Also, the man that fixed my lute was amazed that it was built in 1983.  He
> could see Larry Brown's signature inside with the date.  You kind of have
> peer through the rosette.  Given it's good physical condition, and the
> that it is almost 22 years old, he said it should last forever unless I do
> something really stupid.
> Again, thanks everyone for the support and help here!  I'm going to go
> myself for the next 9 hours trying to get it back into tune.
> Michael Godfrey

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