On Wed, 28 Jul 2004, Carl Donsbach wrote:

Thanks for comments and perspective.  Notes:

> With a small desk fan, setting it on the floor, a little farther away may 
> help.

You want to avoid putting the fan on a large resonant surface, such as a
thin table top.  Something heavy and rigid (like a pool table or concrete
floor), or thermodynamically productive of entropy (like a sofa or foam
pad) would be quieter.
> Also, I don't know if this is an option for you, but a ceiling fan should 
> be fairly quiet.

My ceiling fan is brand new, good quality, and therefore perfectly quiet.  
But it causes a warble in the lute's sound.  Very annoying.  I think it
comes from sound reflecting off the moving blades (Doppler effect) -- if 
so, one could reduce it by covering the blades with acoustic tile..

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