> I have been using a very nifty computer program called Tune!It. Go to
> http://www.zeta.org.au/~dvolkmer/tuneit.html to learn about the program. I
> also keep it on my small laptop which I carry when travelling. Alas, it is
> not really a stand-alone box but it has every imaginable tuning. I've tried
> to encourage the builder of this program to make some version for a Palm-OS
> PDA. There are some VERY expensive tuning programs which use a Pocket-PC OS,
> they are used by piano tuners and are very powerful. Web sites are
> <www.tunelab-world.com> $320 and <www.reyburn.com> $795.
> The tuning I can get 'watching the needle' with the Tune!It program is FAR
> superior to what I can do by ear....I am much too accustomed to hearing
> piano equal temperment. BTW, I keep my baroque guitar tuned in 1/6 comma
> meantone and find that in all the 'usual' keys it sounds best this way.
> Perhaps this is blasphemy, but even when I have played continuo with
> harpsichords tuned to something else, with the guitar in 1/6 comma it sounds
> tuned up.
> best,
> Candace

How do you use the program to tune your Baroque guitar?

Do you take one string - maybe the first or fifth? and go up fret by fret with the 
program, shifting the frets around?

I still can't quite conceptualise nonequal temperament on a fretted instrument (even 
though Martin Shepherd has set up my  Renaissance lute in 1/6 comma meantone and it 
sounds very good and the fret positions look delightfully bizarre)...

I can see how you set up one string and the fret positions for that string in 
meantone. But doesn't that conflict with the other strings which would need to be set 
up in their own ways? 

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