Thanks for the suggestion! Today I played through them and some of them are 
very charming. But funny that "la li Lu", a setting I made for Wayne's site 
years ago - found it's way into this collection. It's a lullaby and actually 
taken from a german movie of the 30s - dangerous ground in this context ... 

I read the psalms and thought some Vallet could be fine for that occassion, 
too. Psalms 7 and 140 sound suitable. what do you think?

Best wishes

Am Sonntag, 8. August 2004 17:49 schrieb Howard Posner:
> David Schoengold did some intabulations of Jewish songs in renaissance
> tuning in PDF and other formats at:
> Maybe some of them will do.  I'd avoid M'oz Tzur, which sounds positively
> Lutheran (I've always supposed it was a Lutheran import to the Chanukah
> observance, but I don't know).  Oseh Shalom is plaintive and very lovely.
> The tune has been associated with the "Oseh Shalom" prayer ("He who
> established peace in heaven will grant peace to us and to all Isreal") only
> since the Six-Day War, but nobody I know thinks of anything else when they
> hear it.  I'd feel free to play around with the settings-- flesh out the
> harmonies or change them -- because a lot of Jewish tunes are not
> harmonically conceived, and the harmonic structure is imposed later, often
> as a matter of personal taste.
> Howard

Thomas Schall
Niederhofheimer Weg 3
D-65843 Sulzbach

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