Dear Lute Listers

I should like to thank everyone who has so kindly offered suggestions about 
my broken string. I have a lot to think about now, and various strategies 
to try. For those who might be interested, the lute is a new, 8 course 
Renaissance lute, and was made by the Early Music Shop in the UK. I ordered 
it in June and it was finally arrived in early November, but was held up in 
Customs for a further week whilst I sorted out endless paperwork and a bill 
for GST. As far as lutes go, it was relatively cheap. For me, it was 
sensible not to spend a huge sum partly because I didn't have it and partly 
because I wanted to determine whether or not I would take to lute playing. 
I am personally very pleased with it, though of course it is not as fancy 
as many of the instruments one can see on the world wide web which also 
come with hefty price tags. The lute came strung with "Pyramid" strings and 
the lower courses are tuned in octaves, although I have read that many 
prefer a unison tuning. At this stage, that is the least of my worries. 
Fortunately, I ordered spare strings, so was able to replace the broken one 
straight away.

Today has been quite hot, 38 degrees here in Brisbane, and humid - so I 
won't be attempting to play the lute until later this evening. I think, 
under these weather conditions, that perspiration might be a problem if one 
were to play unclothed. The lute would probably slip around more than 
usual, so I shall keep my clothes on! Also, I realise that I must keep 
trying to play as I don't want my nose to fall off - no nose, no clothes 
... the mind boggles.

My mother offered me a stand for the lute as my Christmas present, however, 
she has since retracted the offer and is now insisting that I need a new 
pair of shoes.

Best wishes, and thanks again.

Kind regards

Caroline Chamberlain BSc (Hons)
Scientific Officer
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences
University of Queensland
Brisbane  QLD 4072

Tel:  + 61 7 3365 4606
Fax: + 61 7 3365 4699

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