Additionally, it helps to keep the last finger joint flexible, 
at least with low and normal tension strings. According to 
Pujoll, who played without nails too, the index should stand 
upright on the string. For comparison: Segovia's technique 
(nails) would be to play over the left side of the finger, as 
opposed to thumb-in lute technique where you play on the right 
side of the finger. BTW, I have enjoyed the appoyando stroke 
much more since cutting my nails, with nails I regard it as 
rather useless...



Am 15 Dec 2004 um 10:23 hat LGS-Europe geschrieben:

> > case. I wonder what solutions have been invented to play the guitar
> > without maintaining fingernails:
> Play without nails, basically. A great proportion of 19c guitarists
> did, all of my students do, I do. Gut strings, nylon strings, carbon
> strings, nylgut strings, high tension, low tension, 19c guitars,
> modern classical guitars; all without nails. But I must say my fingers
> do hurt a bit after a day of teaching modern classical guitar with
> high tension strings. I've tried lower tension strings and it helps a
> little. I've changed the angle of the fingers on the strings a little
> since cutting my nails. The sound is warmer without nails, but it is
> still possible to make lots of volume.
> David
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