Howdy gents,

I am often tendentious, but I claim to not be as much so as some. I see that
I have 847 messages to read on the Lute List (going back a while). I'm going
to erase them all. Many are from RT about new entries to his web site, I
like the site and the music - but I already have the home base set as a
"favorite" in my browser, so intend to follow up there and "steal" music and
information from him. For others, I have no good sources for the
intabulations you ask for, so can delete those messages in good conscience.
Finally, if I owe anyone on the list an answet please ask me, I'm going to
delete everything prior to 8 Jan - just so I can see the folder better (and
all two way correspondance is saved, perhaps to the annoyance of some of my

Best, Jon

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