
I would expect that you will get some foolish messages on this (to be played
as Weisskiki, or whatever). But there are many instruments in the world -
and there have been many fine composers. An arrangement may be an
orchestration of a simpler piece, or it may be taking an orchestral score
and reducing it to fundmentals to play on a solo intrument, or in a smaller
group. The ukelele is an instrument much maligned by those who didn't like
Arthur Godfrey (an "in joke" for the older among us). But it needn't play
only Hawaiian pop with chords strummed behind the vocal. It can play
anything set for four strings, just as I've tuned the five strings of my
charango to tunes I want to play.

The name of the instrument is irrelevant to the music. What is relevant is
the range of pitch (the same melody may have quite a different "sound" in a
higher register), the interval tuning of the courses (but if you have
incredible hands you can play anything in any tuning), and the timbre from
the size and shape of the instrument and the thickness of the soundboard -
as well as relative string tensions).

Rearranging is easy, make your own arrangement of Weiss for ukelele. Look at
the main lines (melody and counter melody and harmony). Play with it and you
may come up with a better arrangement than the one you lost.

Best, Jon

> Alittle while back someone sent a message about an arrangement of Weiss
> some ukulele.  As I had already stumbled across it and downloaded it, I
> didn't keep the message - I now find that somewhere along the line I've
> the download ;-(
> Can anybody help, please?
> Tony

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