To those who saw the title "non-lute", red the message, and made the effort 
to complain about it:
with all my respect, I gave "non-lute" name of the message exactly for 
people like you, to spare
you reading 'sucking' stuff. If, however it pleases you to complain, please 
go ahead.

And before you pucker your lips and squint your eyes in a scornful, 
capricious face you may want
to know that it is NOT MY PLEASURE to post such messages. I post them 
because i think that
there is sense of emergency and responsibility. Democracy is a very fragile 
dream, believe me!
NEVER take democracy for granted. AND: democracy is not to be viewed from 
the observers'
seats. To be aware is already to participate.

How do you like this:
"...This so-called ill treatment and torture in detention centers, stories 
of which were spread
everywhere among the people, and later by the prisoners who were freed… were 
not, as
some assumed, inflicted methodically, but were excesses committed by 
individual prison
guards, their deputies, and men who laid violent hands on the detainees. "

Can anyone tell me who said that? Was it:

A) George W. Bush?
B) John Ashcroft?
C) Donald Rumsfeld?
D) Someone else?

If you answered “someone else", you’d be right. It was Rudolf Hoess, SS 
Kommandant of the infamous Auschwitz death camp where over 2.5 million 
people were murdered.

Conservatives, who love to call Liberals whiny, get whiny as hell when the 
Bush administration is compared to Nazi Germany, or to fascism in general. 
Guess what, though? The comparisons are beginning to come through more and 

Scott Horton wrote in the LA Times:

Consider the memorandum written by Alberto Gonzales – then the president’s 
attorney, now his nominee for attorney general. He wrote that the Geneva 
Convention was “obsolete” when it came to the war on terror. Gonzales 
reasoned that our adversaries were not parties to the convention and that 
the Geneva concept was ill suited to anti-terrorist warfare.

In 1941, General-Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, the head of Hitler’s 
Wehrmacht, mustered identical arguments against recognizing the Geneva 
rights of Soviet soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front. Keitel even called 
Geneva “obsolete,” a remark noted by U.S. prosecutors at Nuremberg, who 
cited it as an aggravating circumstance in seeking, and obtaining, the death 
penalty. Keitel was executed in 1946.

Hitler was installed, then re-elected. Bush was installed, then re-elected. 
Hitler had Reichstag, Bush had 9/11. (I am not implying government collusion 
in 9/11, FYI) Both used their respective catastrophes to assume more power 
(Hitler with the Enabling Act, Bush with the USA PATRIOT Act), and to assume 
dictatorial powers.

Hitler used Christianity to give his words absolute authority and decried 
any who dissented as unpatriotic. Bush uses Christianity to give his words 
absolute authority and decries any who dissent as unpatriotic.

Hitler said:

“The German people are not a warlike nation. It is a soldierly one, which 
means it does not want a war, but does not fear it. It loves peace but also 
loves its honor and freedom”

Bush said:

We’re pursuing a strategy of freedom around the world, because I understand 
free nations will reject terror. Free nations will answer the hopes and 
aspirations of their people. Free nations will help us achieve the peace we 
all want.

I have rejected this type of comparison of Bush to Hitler for months, 
because Hitler was a genocidal maniac bent on ruling the world with his 
ideology. I submit this comparison now because I believe the same to be true 
of George W. Bush.

George W. Bush will have his empire, and he will kill any person, group, or 
country that stands in his way. I challenge any of you to tell me why that 
is not so, as he has already proved it.

The great American traditionally land of freedom is being turned into a 
prison state. I read this and
can't believe my eyes, how people can let this:

"...An Oregon anti-terrorism bill would jail street demonstrators for at 
least 25 years in a thinly veiled
effort to discourage anti-war protests, critics say. Actual bill states that 
protesters would be
imprisoned in forced labor gulags..."

Do you still have the scorn face on? It goes well with you? You knew about 
it already? You didn't
want to know about it?

Free speech zones? Hello, wake up! While you slept they reduced a Free 
Speech country into tiny
controlled "Free Speech Zones". Caricature of what America is supposed to 

Controlled Mass Media? Wake up, this AINT NO RIGHT! :
Conservative columnist discloses CIA operative's name, liberal reporters 
face jail time:

Articles published by American outlets suppressed in their own country 
(talking about Auschwitz):

Bush's war on information: US editors forbidden to publish certain foreign 

etc, etc, you will find plenty here:
just look how familiar this fascist citation reads:
"Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the 
leaders. That is easy.
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the 
peacemakers for lack
of patriotism and exposing the country to danger." ~ Hermann Goering

And in the end, if there is no such thing as "new world order" 
megalomaniacal doctrine, what is this
commemoration gun from the gulf war reading? New World Order..:


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