Dear all,

Denys wrote:

> 6c lute. As I understand it from Stephen, the deep parabolic neck profile
> comes from both the original neck of the Dieffopruchar (which he
> examined in detail and produced drawings of in the early 80's) and
> observation
> of the above mentioned "Holbein" lute. It was in fact the ease of using the
> thumb stopping technique on these instruments that got me interested in it.

That is jut the right string of words: "deep parabolic neck profile"! My 
active vocabulary of English did not reach that, but that is just what I 
meant! Thanks Denys!

David wrote:

> > with a cradling hand as I find comfortable. As does Arto, who has a little
> > a'-lute by Stephen Barber, just as I do. No coincidence then, as the neck
> of this lute is very 'deep' indeed.

Just a small correction: My Dieffopruchar 1550 actually is in g, string
length 63 cm. So it is not so little. But the fingerboard is quite 
narrow and wonderful just because of that. And because of the "deep 
parabolic neck profile"!

All the best,


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