Ed Durbrow wrote:

>I interviewed Crawford Young a year and a half ago. The editors of 
>the LSA Quarterly have been encouraging me to finish transcribing 
>the interview for an upcoming issue. I transcribed about 30 minutes 
>and still have another 60 minutes or so to go. I just have been so 
>busy and it's been hard to raise my initiative for such a big task.
>I wonder if anyone here would be willing to help with the 
>transcription part. After it is transcribed more work begins: to 
>edit it down and make an article the LSA Quarterly can use. But 
>anyway, if I made MP3 files or something I could send them to 
>volunteers. If ten people volunteered, they'd only need to 
>transcribe 6 minutes each.
>Any takers?

Three people have volunteered to transcribe so far. Any other 
volunteers? I just want to give it another day or so so that I know 
into how many sections to divide the work.
Ed Durbrow
Saitama, Japan

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