Dear All:
 These composing machines and programs seem able to copy lots of things
about a composer's work, except those things that make the work worthwhile
-- inspiration, individuality, diversity, unexpected charms, grace,
elegance, spirit, etc.

|         |           "carlos flores"  |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         |           m>               |
|         |                            |
|         |           02/19/2005 02:10 |
|         |           PM               |
|         |                            |
  |       To:                                       
  |       cc:                                                                   
  |       Subject:  RE: composers style, analysing for                          

>Once one knows what 'rifs' and harmonic progressions typify a particular
>work, sure, it not hard to set up programs to throw the dice (ala mozarts
>Some composers did in have identifyable rythms and/or rifs; others are
>in their style.

The machines can never imitate Feeling though. Personally, i can never find

a piece charming or being touched by it if i don't like Feeling of this
piece/creation--no matter how "matematically-correct" it is. A machine
cannot transmit a feeling because it has no Awareness. And awareness is the

degree of one being's consciousness about its connection to Infinity.
I feel that we as creators strive for that--to bring back into life our
connection with the Infinite. I know that people with true connection with
Infinity (is called fierce innocence) can do just anything, they can take
three stones, throw them in the air, and still the stones will fall into a
pattern that will cary grace and a touch of the infinite in it. And in a
subsurface level, beyound the superficial/artificial, that's what really
touches people. I've seen people even often cry when they witness a free
gesture of grace and selflessnes, and i know they can cry because they know

deep inside of them that they had it all--this grace and innocence, but
little by little they neglected it and gave it away in exchange for selfish

concern about ego "superiority" and selfpresentation. So they cry for a
connection. But man, i'm telling you, no machine will bring it back:)
If  one is stiff, egotistical, cut from every thing, "superiour", they can
do all the right calculations of matematical proportions of harmonic
progressions, etc, but they can only fool the blind with such 'creations'.

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