
This semester Case Western Reserve University here in Cleveland is performing 
all known music connected with Lord Hayes 1607 masque, directed by David 
Douglass.  I'm playing cittern in the broken consort, although only two works 
exist originally as broken consort settings (Richard Allison and Phillip 
Rosseter).  The rest is all four or five part instrumental repertoire and we 
make up our own parts.  In some parts of the performance the broken consort 
accompany other groups like the violin band or recorder quintet or in the 
tutti sections.

The point is, although the amount of actual broken consort literature for 
violin, flute, viol, bandora, cittern and lute is limited in modern publication 
and original sources (incomplete or missing parts sometimes), there is plenty 
of music to arrange once you're familiar with the conventions.  The Baltimore 
Consort, for example, has an almost limitless repertoire for broken consort, 
even trespassing into Irish and Appalachian!



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