
Although this book doesn't deal with typesetting specifically you might want
to look at it. It has a large number of facsimiles of both type set and hand
written music from the 15th and 16th centuries. The book is titled Composers
at work, The Craft of Musical Composition 1450-1600. The author is Jesse Ann
Owens, a Professor of Music at Brandeis University and a specialist in
Renaissance music. The book wasn't expensive, although I can't find a price
on my copy. It is published by Oxford University Press and the ISBN is
0-19-512904-0. The topic is the process of composition of that time, but the
correlary is the ways of writing it down. There is very little on tabulature
documents, it is mainly involved with staff notation as it tracks the
development from vocal written music to instrumental in that period. I think
it might be of interest to many on this list who enjoy the history of our

Best, Jon

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2005 9:16 AM
Subject: Period typesetting

Greetings All,

I sent this last night but for some reason it hasn't appeared on the list by
now so I'll try again. Apologies if the first one does show up and you get
this twice.

I have been researching typesetting of the 16th century as it pertains to
the publication of music and lute manuscripts in particular. In speaking
with some typesetters that I know they tell me there are no extant examples
of music specific type, even from the 20th century much less earlier. For as
much music as came out of period I am hoping this is wrong and that there
are some extant examples of music type tucked away in museums somewhere. To
that end I am hoping some of you may know of these or, at the very least,
can point me to some iconography or texts on the subject. I have seen one
late 17th c. French book on the subject of the type foundry, but anything
earlier would be greatly appreciated.

My thanks in advance for your assistance.


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