A few people have asked me about the 18th century chamber music.  Von
Huene charges $60.00 for it, but Steve at OMI facsimiles charges $48.00.
Heres the link
BTW, Roman whats in the Augsburg MS.  Does OMI carry it?
Michael Thames
----- Original Message -----
From: "Roman Turovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael Thames" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Lute net"
Sent: Friday, March 11, 2005 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: 18 th century chamber music

> Last week I ordered Baron and Weiss Facsimiles from Von Hunne, but by =
> mistake they sent me Facsimiles of  " Chamber Music Of The 18 th =
> century"  instead.  I decided to keep the music and not send it back, =
> because, hey why not.
À good portion of that batch is playable as solos.

> It has sonatas for lute, transverse flute, oboe, violin, and cello, =
> by Meussel, Kuhnel, Blohm, etc.  My question is, are there any =
> recordings of this music, so I can present it to my sons cello teacher.  =
> Is it good music? =20
Some of it is quite fine, although not quite on the level of the Augsburg

> Also, some of this calls for " Viola di Gamba", can this be played on =
> the cello instead?  Also some calls for " Basso " Does this mean a large =
> stand up type of bass? =20
> So far I could put together a group of lute, Violin, cello and flute, =
> it might be fun.
> Thanks,
> Michael Thames
> www.ThamesClassicalGuitars.com
> --
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