And a reminder, especially for those of us on the western side of the 
pond: Bob will  at the Western LSA in Vancouver B.C(third week of July), 
where he will perform a concert as well as teach courses and private 
lessons. See<http://www.earlymusi> for details. BTW, for those of you who 
have asked, the brochures have been mailed and should be arriving 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Michael Thames<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  To: Lute net<> 
  Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 7:21 AM
  Subject: Barto at the GFA

     For a refreshing change of subject matter.  I don't know if anyone 
  noticed Mr. Barto is officially on the roster of this years GFA.<http://www.guitarfoundatio>
     I fought very hard to get him on, they said initially there would 
  no lute players this year.  through my constant persistence, and power 

  of persuasion, and threats of withholding future guitar orders, not to 

  mention Mr. Barto's exquisite playing they gave in.
     Unfortunately, the only slot left, by that time was an afternoon 
  concert, He deserves an evening slot, but what can you do?
      This is a great opportunity for the elite of the guitar world, to 
  hear something special, my hope is that in the future, this will set 
  some kind of president for future GFA's, and they will start to have 
  lutenist's on a regular basis. I think the Baroque lute is an 
  way to break the ice.  Most guitarist thesedays, seem to relate more 
  Bach, and Weiss than ren music.
        Perhaps next year we can have Michel Cardin.
  Michael Thames<>

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