Dorothy Olsson has asked me to forward this message to the lute list. AJN ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- From: Dorothy Olsson, INTERNET:[EMAIL PROTECTED] TO: AJN (boston), 71162,751 DATE: 3/29/05 5:49 PM Please join us for the …
HISTORICAL DANCE PROGRAM AT THE AMHERST EARLY MUSIC FESTIVAL July 9-24, 2005 Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont THIS YEAR’S THEME: “Music of the British Isles” FACULTY Dorothy Olsson, Director; Kaspar D. Mainz DANCE CLASSES Dance is an integral part of the Amherst Early Music Festival (a two-week early music festival with a vast array of musical offerings; see For the 2005 workshop, classes will be offered in Renaissance and Baroque dance, and contredanses. All levels of dancers are welcome. This year's program consists of two weeks of classes, with two public performances. Participants are also entitled to attend many other events (including English country dancing, concert and lectures) in the evenings that are part of the Amherst Early Music Festival. PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITIES This year our first week production will be Henry Purcell’s opera, “Dido and Aeneas,” first performed in London in 1686. Our performance will take place on July 15, during the first week of the AEM Festival. Stage Director: Drew Minter; Dance Directors: Dorothy Olsson, Kaspar D. Mainz; Music Director: Andrew Lawrence-King; Scriptwriter: Lawrence Rosenwald; Costumer: Ronnie Snader A production of “Oberon, the Faery Prince,” will be presented on July 22, during the second week of the AEM Festival. This masque by Ben Jonson was first performed in 1611 at the court of James I. Director: Grant Herreid; Dance Directors: Dorothy Olsson, Kaspar D. Mainz; Scriptwriter: Lawrence Rosenwald; Costumer: Ronnie Snader Both performances will be fully staged, with costumes and accompaniment of live music. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND APPLICATION FORM For more information about the Historical Dance Program, please visit our web page, or, contact Dr. Dorothy Olsson: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Für Informationen auf Deutsch, bitte kontaktieren Sie Kaspar D. Mainz: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For more information about the Amherst Early Music Festival, please visit our website, Or send an email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Amherst Early Music Marilyn Boenau, Director 47 Prentiss St Watertown, MA 02472, U.S.A. Phone: 617-744-1324 Fax: 617-744-1327 ======================= End Part 1 / Begin Part 2 ======================= Format: BINARY % Part 2 is binary ============================== End Part 2 =============================== To get on or off this list see list information at