I own an Intellitouch tuner and found it next to useless with my lute.

>Re:  Ronn's tuner.  He may have had something like the Intellitouch 
>tuner clamped on the peg head.  A quick search on eBay for 'lute 
>tuner' in musical instruments should get you a look at it.  It would 
>surprise me if WoodWind & BrassWind didn't have some of these, too. 
>timothy motz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>I also have a Korg CA30 and have found it to be quite satisfactory
>and within my price range. I bought a clip-on pickup that plugs into
>the input jack on the tuner, which I've found to be very helpful,
>especially when my teacher and I are tuning up right before a lesson.
>The tuner no longer picks up his lute when I'm trying to tune mine.
>I just clip the pickup on the peg-head, although it works equally
>well if I just clip onto a peg key.
>The CA30s are cheap enough that I will probably buy a second one to
>keep in the case with my new lute when it's finished.
>I remember at the 2002 LSA conference sitting slightly behind and to
>the side of Ronn McFarlane as he performed (it was a packed room) and
>seeing red lights blinking on the back of the peg-head of his lute.
>It took me a bit to figure it out, but he must have had a very
>compact tuner attached to or embedded in the peg head, which I
>thought was really cool. I wonder what kind it was?
>>---- Original Message ----
>>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], lute@cs.dartmouth.edu
>>Subject: Re: Tuner Recommendations
>>Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 21:53:30 -0700 (PDT)
>>>Hi Rob,
>>>I have three Korg CA 30 tuners-- one in my trumpet gig bag, one in
>>my horn case, and one for the lutes. I've found them less
>>susceptible than some of the others, (particularly, I believe, my
>>quick tune), to harmonic spoofing. Its range runs from C1 to C8.
>>It's among the smallest at about 60mm wide, 103mm long, and 15mm
>>thick. It will calibrate from at least A=415 to A=460 and has a
>>standard 1/4 inch jack in which you can plug a tuner pickup. It will
>>also give you a tone for an A or a Bb. Finally, it's among the least
>>expensive of the bunch at about USD 20 here in the States.
>>>A good source for them can be found at www.wwbw.com. That's The
>>Woodwind & The Brasswind, a large music store in northern Indiana.
>>You can search on Korg CA30 in the upper left hand corner of their
>>home page. You can also read reviews by folks who've bought these
>>tuners. Most seem to have given it a five (out of five) star rating.
>>>Best regards,
>>>Steve Ramey
>>>Ramon Marco de Sevilla wrote:
>>>What tuners have you had experience with or would you recommend?
>>>Korg, Arion, Sabine?
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Ed Durbrow
Saitama, Japan

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