now that the denigration of guitarists is at an end -
i think - i'd like to celebrate by telling you about a
recipe for left-over rice.  i realize this is wildly
off-topic but if there's one thing i've learned while
living in italy, it's this:

lunch is important.

this is not so much an observation that conforms to
the italian stereotype as it is italian wisdom.

grate a courgette into a mixing bowl that contains any
quantity of cold, left-over rice, plus however much
parmesan cheese you might like.  add one or two eggs
and mix well.

scoop the mixture into a mildly hot frying pan with a
hot dollop of olive oil (tuscan, naturally ... is
there any other?) and pat it down gently with a
spatula.  cover it completely with a lid and let it
fry till you think the bottom is a light, golden

the tricky bit is flipping the rice cake - that's what
it is; a rice pan-cake - and the only way is to place
an oven mitt on top of the lid, quickly turn pan and
lid up-side down so that the uncooked side is face
down on the lid and then slip the rice cake back into
the pan.

more rice than egg is best and mushrooms -
particularly when sautéed - work just as well as

this is extremely simple and delicious.  

bon appetito - bill


"and thus i made...a small vihuela from the shell of a creepy crawly..." - Don 
Gonzalo de Guerrero (1512), "Historias de la Conquista del Mayab" by Fra Joseph 
of San Buenaventura.  go to:

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