----- Original Message -----
From: "Alexander Batov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lute list" <lute@cs.dartmouth.edu>
Cc: "Roger E. Blumberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 4:53 AM
Subject: Re: Widening the net -- Viola da Braccio

> By the way, the picture on the page
> http://www.thecipher.com/viola_da_gamba_cipher-3.html#braccio (about 1/3
> down, following the words " Below: Baroque shaped guitar") looks to me
> like _orpharion_ rather than _guitar_.  Is it a fragment of the above "
> Eustache Le Seuer, 1643 ..." or other source?

sorry, I forgot to answer this. If you're meaning this picture . .
http://www.thecipher.com/viol-guitar_baroque_clr.jpg . . . it came from a CD
cover, Monteverdi, and was not credited in the liner notes (at least I
couldn't find it). I've since sold the CD. I just took a quick look on
Amazon but I couldn't find it there.

You could be right about it being an Opharion. The frets that are visible
seem to be straight perpendicular, but who knows. I'll make a note of it on
the page though, thanks.

Here's a larger sample of the original context scene -- if it'll help you
track it down. I left it big, 160k.


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