I agree with you all, and I take a positive stand on both sides of the
issue. I'm quite comfortable singing (and playing) the bawdy ballads of the
lusty Scots of the age parallel to the European Renaissance, but I don't
think I'd be likely to sing a lewd song. Is there a fine line, of course
there is. The line between the suggestion and double entendre and the
specific. The specific is more a creature of our modern day.

As to topic, and I run into this on other music lists, it isn't so much the
actual message as the flow from the thread. Wayne, quite rightly, has
suggested that several of us on this list who are interested in making lutes
join the lute-builder's list for our discussions of the fine points of
turning tuning pegs. And we have done so. And by doing so have a better
resource on that topic.

But at the same time Herbert is right. Why limit the natural flow of
thoughts that may come when playing a lute.

The real problem with off topic threads on any dedicated list isn't the
initial thread, or the intitial answer. It is the follow up additions. The
simple answer to that is for the participants to take the thread "off list"
as they get wound up in their puns and examples. I speak as a guilty man, it
is our own self discipline that makes a list relevant, not rules from the
adminstrator (although he has that right I'm sure he'd rather not have to
take the time to police it.

Best, Jon

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