See the full schedule of 2005 Boston Early Music Festival events
(June 12-19), fringe events and other Early Music events in a
day-to-day calendar at


There are several lute-focussed events, including these:

Tuesday, June 14
12:15 pm
Eileen Callahan, soprano; William Good, lute:  Italian frottole.  King's
Chapel, 58 Tremont St, Boston.  617/227-2155   $3

3 pm
Elizabeth Baber, soprano & Charles Weaver, lute: Con dulces cantos y modos
- Intimate music for voice and vihuela from Spain's Golden Age; private
devotional music, courtly lovesongs & bawdy villancicos. Hale Chapel, First
& Second Church, 66 Marlborough St, Boston. 718/683-4575  $10/8 st, sr,

7 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  Paul O'Dette & Stephen Stubbs (dir); Lucy
Graham & Nils Niemann (stage dir):  Johann Mattheson Boris Goudenow (1710).
Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $45-125/25
obstructed view  Opening Fanfare, 6:40 pm

Wednesday, June 15
11 am
Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Exhibition (closes at 6 pm).  Radisson
Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $5 or BEMF Pass

The Killer Bees (Kathlene Ritch Brown, Amy Brumley & Emily Eagen, soprano;
Karen Burciaga & Emily Letourneau, violin; James Brown, viola da gamba;
Jonathan Brumley, archlute; Leslie Kwan, organ):  Triumph over Passion,
Music for Queen Christina - 17th-century virtuosic works from the Swedish
court & chapel. Beacon Hill Friends Meeting House, 6 Chestnut St, Boston.
508/878-7028  $10 donation   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1 pm
Subtilitas (Dong-Hee Kim, soprano; Matthew Leese, baritone; Alexander
Korolov, lute, recorder & vielle; John Lenti, lute; David Wish, rebec &
vielle) & Les Brunettes (Linda Tsatsanis, soprano; Courtney Kuroda, Baroque
violin; Kevin Kishimoto, theorbo; Alexander Korolov, viol): Music of France
-Arts Nova, Ars Subtilior & Baroque. works by  Machaut, Philippus de
Caserta, Trébor, Chantilly Codex, Lambert, Hotteterre, Le Camus &
Montéclair. Lindsey Chapel, Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury St, Boston.
812-219-8832 $5  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2 pm
University of North Texas Baroque Ensemble with faculty Cynthia Roberts,
violin; Lyle Nordstrom, lutes & Lenora McCroskey, harpsichord:  Cantatas &
Sonatas, Germany 1640-1690- Music by Rosenmüller, Schmeltzer, Schelle &
Biber.  First Lutheran Church, 299 Berkeley St.   940/453-7299  $15/10 st,

David Walker & Adam Wead, Baroque lute & theorbo: Duets for Lute & Theorbo
- Original music & arrangements for lute and theorbo by Weiss, de Visée &
others. Beacon Hill Friends Meeting House, 6 Chestnut St, Boston.
617/227-9118  FREE  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

8 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Orchestra (Paul O'Dette & Stephen
Stubbs, dirs); Karina Gauvin, Ellen Hargis & Catherine Webster, sopranos:
Nights at the Opera, Highlights from Beloved BEMF Opera Productions - arias
& scenes from Conradi Ariadne, Lully Thésée, Rossi Orfeo, Mattheson Die
Keusche Liebe. NEC's Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF

Thursday, June 16
11 am
Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Exhibition (closes at 6 pm).  Radisson
Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $5 or BEMF Pass

Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Masterclass with Paul O'Dette, lute &
Ellen Hargis, soprano:  17th-century Accompanied Solo Song.  First Lutheran
Church, 299 Berkeley St,  Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $5 or BEMF Pass

12 noon
The Venere Lute Quartet (Gail Gillispie, Douglas Freundlich, Christopher
Morrongiello & Phillip Rukavina, lute): Palestrina's Lute - Palestrina Song
of Songs madrigals, polychoral motets & the complete Missa Brevis.  Lindsey
Chapel, Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury St, Boston. 781/648-3873 $10/5 st, sr,

2 pm
Seth Warner, vihuela. Danzas, Canciones y Fantasias - works by Milan,
Narvaez, Mudarra & others. First & Second Church, 66 Marlborough St,
Boston.  207/797-7508   $12/8 st sr, LSA

7 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  Paul O'Dette & Stephen Stubbs (dir); Lucy
Graham & Nils Niemann (stage dir):  Johann Mattheson Boris Goudenow (1710).
Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $45-125/25
obstructed view  Lecture for ticketholders, 5:30 pm; Opening
Fanfare, 6:40 pm

Friday, June 17
11 am
Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Exhibition (closes at 6 pm).  Radisson
Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $5 or BEMF Pass

Fanfare Consort (Thom Freas, clarino; Lisa Rautenberg & David  Sariti,
Baroque violins; Mark Rike, Baroque viola; Douglas Freundlich, theorbo;
Christa Rakich, positiv); Robert Crowe, male soprano:  Germanic Presence in
Ye Olde England - Modern-day premieres of works by Gottfried Finger, Georg
Friedrich Handel & Gottfried  Keller.  Church of the Covenant, 67 Newbury
St, Boston.  203/258-9103   $10-15/5 discount with BEMF pass

11:30 am
Boston Early Music Festival.  North German Organ Symposium / Fantasia in
the Organ Music of the Renaissance & Baroque (William Porter, Hans
Davidsson & Edoardo Bellotti, organ):  The Organist as Preacher - Music of
Weckmann, Reincken, Buxtehude & others.  First Lutheran Church, 299
Berkeley St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $20 session/$50 for day

12 noon
The New York Continuo Collective (Baroque opera workshop company):
Allesandro Leardini Psiche (1649). Gordon Chapel, Old South Church, 600
Boylston St (Copley Sq), Boston. 646/239-3522  $10/5 st, sr, BEMF pass, EMA

Seven Times Salt (Karen Burciaga, violin; Daniel Meyers, recorders; Matthew
Wright, lute; Josh Schreiber, bass viol). Tune, Tyme & Temper - Music of
16th- &17th-century England drawn from Thomas Morley's First Book of
Consort Lessons & his contemporaries. Beacon Hill Friends House, 6 Chestnut
St, Boston. 617/547-0868  $10 donation  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1 pm
Renaissonics (Douglas Freundlich, lute; Laura Gulley & James Johnston,
violins; Nancy Hurrell, harp; Brian Kay, sackbut; Reinmar Seidler, 'cello;
Miyuki Tsurutani, harpsichord & recorders; John Tyson, recorders, pipe &
tabor; Vermont Dance Collective with Jean-Marie Mellichamp, Brandy
Ofciarcik-Perez & Maris Wolff): Free at Last, The Performer's Contribution
in Renaissance Music. Renaissance chamber music dances & improvisations.
New England Conservatory of Music, 290 Huntington Ave, Boston.
617-585-1126   $10  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

1:30 pm
Early Music America Concert.  Asteria (Sylvia Rhyne, soprano; Eric
Redlinger, tenor & lute): Flower of Passion, Thorn of Despair; Chivalry &
courtly love in the waning Middle Ages -Late 15th-century chansons by Du
Fay & his contemporaries. Lindsey Chapel, Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury St,
Boston.  888/222-5288  $10 donation  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

5 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  Talisman (Oleg Timofeyec, Russian 7-string
guitar, dir; Anne Harley & Tamara Cherepovskaya, voice & dance; Etienne
Abelin, violin; Vasily Romani & Vadim Kolpakov, Russian 7-string guitar,
voice & dance) & Solamente Naturali (Milos Valent, violin, dir; Peter
Spissky & Dagmar Valentová, violins; Stefan Valcuha, bass):  Stesha! Gypsy
Primadonna of 1820s Moscow & Waild & Krejzy - Secular Music in 1730s
Slovakia. NEC's Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF

8 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Orchestra (Paul O'Dette & Stephen
Stubbs, dir); Giuliano Carmignola; violin, Matthias Maute, recorder;
Kristian Bezuidenhout, fortepiano:  Five Concerti & a Magnificat -Concerti
by Telemann, Vivaldi, Taritini & Hertel; Mattheson Magnificat (world
premiere). NEC's Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF

11 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  Paul O'Dette & Stephen Stubbs, Baroque lutes:
Lautengalanterie- works of Hagen, Baron, Telemann, Falckenhagen & Weiss.
NEC's Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $20

Saturday, June 18
10 am
Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Exhibition (closes at 5 pm).  Radisson
Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $5 or BEMF Pass

Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Outreach Players (Robert Castellano,
lute & winds; Julian Cole, narrator; winds, viol & voice; Meg Pash, viol,
lute & voice; Roy Sansom, winds): BEMF Family Day Program (geared to upper
elementary school students).  City Room, Radisson Hotel, 200 Stuart St,
Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $5 or BEMF Pass; children admitted FREE with adults
holding a BEMF pass

Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Scholarly Symposium III (panelists Dr.
Christoph Wolff, Harvard University; Dr. Ellen T. Harris, MIT,;Paul O'Dette
& Stephen Stubbs, BEMF Artistic Co-Directors; Jörg Jacobi, Edition Baroque;
Nils Niemann, BEMF Boris Goudenow Stage Co-Director; Casten Niemann,
Baroque opera stage director & music critic; & others):   Performing
Baroque Music According to Mattheson.  Goethe-Institut, 170 Beacon St,
Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $5 or BEMF Pass

1 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  BEMF Outreach Players (Robert Castellano,
lute & winds; Julian Cole, narrator; winds, viol & voice; Meg Pash, viol,
lute & voice; Roy Sansom, winds): BEMF Family Day Program (geared to middle
school students).  City Room, Radisson Hotel, 200 Stuart St, Boston.
617/868-BEMF  $5 or BEMF Pass; children admitted FREE with adults holding a
BEMF pass

7 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  Paul O'Dette & Stephen Stubbs (dir); Lucy
Graham & Nils Niemann (stage dir):  Johann Mattheson Boris Goudenow (1710).
Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $45-125/25
obstructed view  Lecture for ticketholders, 5:30 pm; Opening
Fanfare, 6:40 pm

8 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  The Boston Camerata (Joel Cohen, dir):
Carmina Burana. NEC's Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston.
617/868-BEMF  $20-48

11 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  Tragicomedia (Erin Headley, viola da gamba;
Paul O'Dette, archlutelute &  Stephen Stubbs, lute & Baroque guitars);
Ellen Hargis & Karina Gauvin, sopranos; Marek Rzepka, bass; Milos Valent,
Peter Spissky & Dagmar Valentova, violin & viola; Phoebe Carrai, Baroque
'cello; Jörg Jacobi & Kristian Bezuidenhout, harpsichord)  Dueling Cantatas
- The Italian Cantata in the hands of Mattheson & Handel.  NEC's Jordan
Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $20

Sunday, June 19
2 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  The King's Noyse (David Douglass, violin,
dir; Robert Mealy, violin & viola; Shira Kammen & Julie Andrijeski, violas;
David Morris, bass violin) Paul O'Dette, lute; William Hite, tenor & Sumner
Thompson, baritone:  Lust hab ich, the high art of German Renaissance folk
music-works of Senfl, Hassler, Praetorius, Widmann, Scheidt, Hammerschmidt,
Krieger & others. NEC's Jordan Hall, 30 Gainsborough St, Boston.
617/868-BEMF  $20-48

3:30 pm
Boston Early Music Festival.  Paul O'Dette & Stephen Stubbs (dir); Lucy
Graham & Nils Niemann (stage dir):  Johann Mattheson Boris Goudenow (1710).
Cutler Majestic Theatre, 219 Tremont St, Boston.  617/868-BEMF  $45-125/25
obstructed view  Lecture for ticketholders, 2 pm; Opening
Fanfare, 3:10 pm

Sheila Beardslee Bosworth      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
for New England Early Music CALENDAR
   & Recorders/Early Music MetroWest
29 Main Street, Acton MA 01720-3505

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