1. Which forthcoming CD would that be?
3. There are a number of Terzi CDs listed - most are vocal music with the 
lute accompaniment. I assume you are referring to the Paul Beier CD which 
is all lute.  By the way we are selling that CD through the Lute Society of 
America, so if anyone wants one they are $15 + $2.50 S & H.  Contact me if 
you are interested.  The 2nd link goes to a dead end on my computer. Which 
CD are you referring to on the 2nd link?
Nancy Carlin

>1) Anyone who have any news about Mr Marco Pesci's forthcoming CD?
>2) Anyone who has planned a recording entirely devoted to Daniel Bacheler?
>3) Anyone who knows anything about more forthcoming Terzi-recordings besides
>the two wonderful CD's which already exists?
>( http://www.stradivarius.it  and  http://www.elucevanlestelle.com/)
>Looking forward to any answer.
>Have a good summer!
>Peter Oljelund
>Mobil  070-403 41 48
>Hitta r=E4tt p=E5 n=E4tet med MSN Search http://search.msn.se/
>To get on or off this list see list information at

Nancy Carlin Associates
P.O. Box 6499
Concord, CA 94524  USA
phone 925/686-5800 fax 925/680-2582
web site - www.nancycarlinassociates.com

web site - http://LuteSocietyofAmerica.org


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