Yes - the visual support is better in pitch/standard notation but in many 
cases I can "sing" (if I only could :-)) the melody from tab. 
But - it's easier from standard notation ...

Best wishes

Am Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2005 12:18 schrieben Sie:
> >>>>  You cannot see the direction of a voice's movements in >tablature,
> >>>>  whereas in staff notation you can. Tablature proves >nothing as for
> >>>> harmony and counterpoint. Agreed?
> Yours truly has equal ear for tabulature (baroque) and notation. I also
> know people who can sing from tab. And non-lutenists who could play
> directly from it.
> RT
> > In principle, I don't see much difference between notation or tab for
> > seeing harmony or counterpoint. It is just a question of what you are
> > used to. One represents a tone by a note on a staff and the other by
> > a cipher, but they are both representations. Yes, I've used notation
> > longer so it is a bit easier for me to discern voice movement and
> > harmony in notation, but there is not so much difference in tracking
> > a voice through tab than in notation. It is almost as easy to see the
> > movement. You have to use your ear in either case. Notation has the
> > disadvantage that it is not neutral. That is, you will probably be
> > influenced by how the editor chooses to voice something. If it is
> > Arthur Ness, I know he's thought about it deeply and understands the
> > music, still there might be the odd spot where I might have a
> > different interpretation. Listening for the voice leading becomes
> > part of the fun. I'm sure someone who grew up playing tab from day
> > one, would have no trouble following it. The fact that there are
> > examples of harmonic progressions and voice leading in old
> > manuscripts in tab shows that at least some players learned it in tab.
> > cheers,
> > --
> > Ed Durbrow
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Thomas Schall
Niederhofheimer Weg 3
D-65843 Sulzbach

ab 15.7. neue Adresse:
Wiesentalstrasse 41
CH-8355 Aadorf

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