Seems that weight would be more precise.  Volume would vary with temperature,
atmospheric pressure, properties of the container, etc.

-----Original Message-----
From: A.J. Padilla, M.D. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 5:56 PM
To: Chad McAnally; lute
Subject: "A pint's a pound...."

Imagine that you have some water and want to quantify it.
It fills a one-pint container
It weighs one pound (or 454 gm, or thereabouts)
Which is more valid, or "superior" - volume or weight?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chad McAnally" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "lute" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 24, 2005 6:30 PM
Subject: Byrd, Tabluature etc.

> Hello all,
> The problem with lists like this is generally you have a bunch of fairly
> well educated and well meaning people get together and discuss something
> of real importance to them. This occasionally evokes strong emotional
> debates and reactions from the participants. And more often than not ,
> because of the de-personalized format of e-mail the authors of posts
> attack others in ways they would not in more public personal forum. I have
> see this on more than one list.
> What we are here for if not to discuss and debate the issues we care
> about? But do we have to do it in an adversarial, combative and demeaning
> fashion??? Despite many assurances to the contrary, I do think the tenor
> of many posts on this last topic ( tablature) is getting far out of hand.
> Most listers are not conflict mongers. Pointless argument wastes our time.
> We are here to learn from each other, not attack each other. If someone
> talked down to me in this pompous fashion, I doubt I'd be nearly as civil
> as Michael Thames has managed to be. Put yourself in his shoes. How would
> you react?
> I don't think anyone should be censured on this list by anything but
> common sense and actual tact. Both are becoming rarities in the world and
> I'd hate to think that  people who ought know better would act like this
> too.
> This sort of garbage is what turns of people from lists like this. Can we
> behave like adults now?????
> Chad McAnally
> --
> To get on or off this list see list information at

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