At 01:23 PM 8/13/2005, Arthur wrote:

 >  To catch modern day pirates Ophee changes a few notes in his 
editions of public domain >music, so that when someone else publishes 
the same pieces with his alterations he can >charge them with 
copyright infringement.  Of course one can go back to the original 
public >domain piece and publish that, and there is nothing that 
Ophee can do about it.

Which is why I provide the full information on the source used in the 
edition itself. Right?

It does not take long for you to grab on a word expressed by a poster 
to try to change the subject. The issue is not pirating but your 
claim that you found the R&BS copy of Schulz' Recollections of 
Ireland Op. 41, when in point of fact you knew about it for more than 
8 years by now since I gave you all the information about it.

 >  He only has copyright on the edition he publishes, such as 
"Recollections of Ireland" with >all those mistakes.  Anyone can use 
and even publish the same piece by downloading the >pubic domain copy 
from the Royal Library in Copenhagen, thanks to 
Coldwell.  Anyone >can correct all the mistakes in that manuscript, 
and publish it and obtain their own copyright >protection.

Is there an echo in here?

 >(Just don't copy from Ophee, or he will get you.)

Damn right I will. Last fellow who did that, one Vladimir Mikulka, 
learned the hard way that when I provide the full information about 
the source I used for my edition, it is much better and cheaper to go 
back to the original and do his own edition, completely independent 
of my work. Mikulka's edition of Bobrowicz' Variations on La Ci Darem 
La Mano was removed from circulation by its publisher, Lemoine, when 
I proved that it was a rip off of my edition of the same. That was 
back in 1992, and since then, people have learned to leave my 
editions alone. So far, no one had attempted the Mikulka caper. There 
is no need to. There is so much PD music available, (only I happen to 
have published some of the best stuff first...)

 >  From what he is harping on in this thread seems to suggest he 
thinks he has some
 > exclusive rights to the piece. He doesn't.

That's bullshit. Of course I do not have any rights to the piece. But 
I do have an inalienable right to the fact that I published this 
pieces in 1984, posted it on line in 1997, and there is no way in 
Hell you can come now and pretend to have just found it.

 >  And I was under no obligation to refer to his faulty edition, 
since the piece is readily
 > available from Copenhagen, without Ophee's heavy-handed mis-editing.

My editing methodology, and all the decisions I made, are readily 
available for study on line by anyone. You do not state clearly what 
are your objections and expect readers to take you at your words. 
Needless to say, sycophants such as Roman Turovsky take at your words 
even before you pronounced them. I do not.

I am not aware of any published music for the guitar under your 
editorship, ever making itself known. None. You have never edited 
guitar music, you do not even play the guitar and never did, and as a 
matter of fact, you do not even play the lute. As for editing lute 
music, let's see... the last time you published anything in this 
field was when? Oh, I get it. 1970. 35 years ago. As far as I can 
tell, you are very good at making lists of things, but you are simply 
unqualified to express an opinion on editing guitar music.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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