At 01:17 AM 8/15/2005, Roman Turovsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >lute, and not just once. In the late 1970's- early 80's.
>And a few pieces were even written in tabulature.
> >
> >
> > He did? wonderful news. So how come this was never published, never
> > reached the hands of any lutenists and never mentioned before?
>The works in question were writtten for the Moscow lutenist Aleksandr
>Suetin. Whether they would be circulated again, that will be decided by
>Nikita himself, without your participation.

Now that makes perfect sense. Suetin must have rejected these pieces 
as just so much garbage, enough to cause Koshkin to spread rumors 
about him and his father which would make your scurrilous writings 
like a pleasant walk in the park. Perhaps I should ask Nikita for 
permission to publish his e-mail message to me Dated Thu, 11 Jan 2001 
18:32:29 +0300, detailing his opinions of Suetin. I have a good 
occasion to pose him this question. I am planning to post on blog 
later today a part of your message regarding my editions as 
maculatura, and ask both Koshkin and Gilardino, composers I have 
published and whose music is included in my free bonus program, if 
the would agree that your characterization of their music as 
maculatura is acceptable to them.

> > Also, your newly found love affair with Koshkin, so soon after you
> > denounced me for publishing the music of Koshkin/Myshkin, right here
> > in this forum, is almost a year old by now. How come it had taken him
> > all that time to tell you about his lute compositions?
> > Anyway, a side show of little interest.
>Not really. At least this is lutenistically relevant,

As relevant as all the other hearsay rumors we have been reading 
recently in this forum. It will become relevant when, and if, it is 
ever published, and if in fact it was ever composed, which I doubt 
very much. As one composer who has been distributing copies of his 
manuscripts years before they were submitted for publication, Koshkin 
would have surely sent you copies of his lute music as soon as you 
became his LJ friend. The fact that he did not even tell you about it 
until now, only means that it does not exist, and therefore, not 
lutenistically relevant.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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