Fossum, Arthur wrote:
Tue, 16 Aug 2005 05:26:35 -0700

>I thought Arthur Ness was trolling for you when he brought up the Grand
>Staff and Piano notation thread...

Of course he was. Must have pissed him off that the very paper I read 
at the Colloque de Luth en Occident in 1998, one event he decided to 
skip because I was invited, now appeared in a major lute journal. 
Among others, he confided that he "was asked to answer Matanya", as 
if I asked a question. And the funniest was his silly attempt to drag 
Weiss and Bach into the story, when these were not transcriptions. Of 
course, I already pointed out his hypocritical accusations that "some 
guitarists" call grand staff notation as Keyboard, where in point of 
fact it was he, Arthur J. Ness, who so labeled the keyboard fascicles 
of our MoLA series.

>Further confirmed by Leonhard Shulz...
>Confirmed by Madame Robert Sidney Pratten.

You forgot the phoney story of the Berlioz' purported quotation. In a 
nutshell, someone, whose name Arthur does not remember, in a 
conference Arthur does not remember when and where it took place, 
told him about a dissertation, which Arthur had never seen, which 
alleges that Berlioz said in a Journal de Debats article that the 
guitar is a small orchestra.

I did see the dissertation in question. All it did is refer the 
reader to a book by Jacques Barzun, where there are two minute 
footnotes referring to the Berlioz article, which Barzun himself had 
never seen. All he had was translations into German of these articles 
made by Dr. Joseph Zuth. I got copies of these translations from 
Columbia University where barzun papers are kept and there is nothing 
in them about the guitar being a small orchestra. IOW, no one had 
seen the original Berlioz article and can quote it precisely. That 
has not stopped this patriarch-scholar of the lute list to spouting 
off utter sophomoric nonsense as if it was the truth.

My problem is that I am not a lute scholar, but I do know a thing or 
two about the guitar and its history. So if members of this want to 
accept Arthur's pronouncements on lute issues as the Gospel, they are 
welcome to them, though on occasion, like the phoney story of the 
survival of the Chilesotti manuscript, I felt obliged to step in. The 
story was declared phoney by Stefano Toffolo, the leading Chilesotti 
scholar, and so confirmed by both Dinko Fabris and the Comandante 
Bussandri, the owner of the Chilesotti museum in Bassano di Grappa. 
Would that convince Arthur to either tell lutenists how he knows what 
he alleges to know about this, or to admit that he did not really 
know what he was talking about?

Would never happen. Either way.

>Cant we let sleeping dogs lie?

This particular dog does not sleep. Arthur cannot forgive me for the 
fact that in spite of his resignation from the MoLA series in 1993, 
12 years ago taking with him both the second edition of the Francesco 
and the Marco dall'Aquila book, I did publish 3 volumes in the series 
without his help, and the Series did not instantly crumble. The sad 
part of all this, is that not only did Arthur shoot himself in the 
foot under some stupid pretensions, but that the Francesco and Marco 
projects have thus been condemned to oblivion.

>Anyone want to discuss my old musicology professor's transcription of El
>Maestro? ( Charles Jacobs)

Now you did it! Charles Jacobs was Arthur's main nemesis and by 
admitting some connection to him, you instantly placed yourself in 
Arthur's sights. May be now he will lay off of me....

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
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