Dear lutenists and such, 

just by accident I happened to find my virtual way to the Werner Icking 
Music Archive pages. And there seems to be HUGE amount of well edited 
modern editions of music,  also lots of early music. And they say:

"The archive contains "free" sheet music, free for non-commercial usage. 
This means that you may download the files and print paper copies, but 
neither the files nor the paper copies may be sold..."

Perhaps everyone in the List does not know the place? I think the pages 
are especially useful to us continuo players, when we are searching 
something nice to the singers and melody instrument players. 

Here is only a list of some of the early composers with initial letter 
A, B or C: 
A.Agazzari, A.Agricola, A.Ariosti, J.Arcadelt, P.Attaignant, C.P.E.Bach, 
J.S.Bach, A.Banchieri, G.B.Bassani, H.I.Fr.Biber, G.Böhm, G.Bononcini, 
W.Brade, D.Buxtehude, W.Byrd, A.deCabezon, D.Castello, D.Cato, 
G.Cavazzoni, M.Cazzati, P.Certon, M.Charpentier, G.A.Cima, G.P.Cima, 
A.Corelli, F.Couperin, L.Couperin, ...

So, what a treasure!  :-)
The address is:

All the best


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