At 05:33 PM 8/25/2005, Arthur Ness wrote: wrote:

 >I think it would be a mistake to cite what are additions and 
corrections to Zuth's work as a demonstration that his work is 
poor.  (Some of that is really obscure information.) For his time, 
his Handbuch is quite thorough.

No argument. But it just so happens that you, speaking from both 
sides of the mouth at the same time, declared that the book is a 
reliable reference work for scholars in OUR time, and that it can be 
trusted and relied upon, and that is why the name of the lady is 
Sidney-Pratten and not Sidney Pratten.

 >And Matanya knows about the Bergier, Ungay,  entry because I told 
him about it.

Indeed. That is the amazing thing is that on one hand you can 
denounce Zuth for Bergier Ungay, and at the same time praise him for 
Sidney-Pratten and that yankee Ernest Shand. You got caught with your 
pants down on this one, and perhaps it ought to teach you the lesson 
that printed text is never trustworthy and reliable. And if you have 
not learned this in graduate school, you are carrying this academic 
phoney title on false pretenses.

 >Ready reference materials were not known in those days.   That's 
why it is such a shame that Ophee published the Codice Lauten-Buch 
without taking a day or two to track down the composers and correct 
titles.  His edition ignores a century of musical scholarship.

That's a goddam lie! All the available scholarship on this Codex was 
either quoted or made reference to, including your contributions to 
theHoban book.

 >It's just another Chilesotti Rip-Off.  No better than the zillions 
before his.

The only previous publication which deals with the entire Codex, 
besides the Forni unauthorized facsimnile, was the one by Dick Hoban. 
Is this the one you are referring to?

And besides, even though the book is in the public domain, I did 
obtain the full agreement and permission of the Breitkopf & Haertel. 
Hence, the charge of a rip-off is a stupid cheap shot.

Swift boating me here is not going to get you out of the hole you dug 
yourself into. My advice to you: stop digging.

Matanya Ophee
Editions Orphe'e, Inc.,
1240 Clubview Blvd. N.
Columbus, OH 43235-1226
Phone: 614-846-9517
Fax:     614-846-9794

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