Yes, they are all the same, except for mistakes.  What one discovers when 
collating all of the sources (which you list) is that seldom are mistakes 
corrected in subsequent editions, so that the more reprints, the more mistakes. 
They are compounded.

Incidentally, Matonya is not being truthful when he claims that John Ward 
provided me with all of the sources needed for that edition,. I had to go out 
and find them myself, an especially difficult task given that reference tools 
like Brown and RIMS hadn't yet been published.  With the assistance of my 
classmate Colin Slim and Brigadier Prynne I was able together up almost 
everything and collated some 640 sources for his music. One of my most exciting 
discoveries was the Siena Lute Book, which was not known to be a source for 
Francesco's music because so few of the pieces have composer attributions.

There is a facsimile of the 1547 print edited by Rick Falkenstein publ. 
Minkoff.  It already has lots of mistakes, but I think I caught most of them in 
the HUP edition.  But the "1566" edition is earlier, and was edited by 
Francesco's student Pierino Fiorentino.  It is virtually error free, and 
confirms that my corrections are valid.<g>  (I had access only to an incomplete 
copy, a complete copy turned up later.)
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: LGS-Europe 
  To: Arthur Ness 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 4:37 AM
  Subject: Re: [LUTE] Melchior Neusidler

  Dear ARthur

  I have already repied to you via the list. But a question specifically to
  Francesco's intabulation of Quando io penso al martire has come to us in
  four prints, Gardano 1547, 1562, 1563, 1566. Are they all the same, or do
  they have differences? All I have is the 1562 Minkoff facsimile.

  This project of comparing intabulations has started out as a small thing, 
  but I find it very interesting to compare styles, ficta, and perhaps even 
  lineage of sources used.


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "Arthur Ness" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  To: "LGS-Europe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 5:42 PM
  Subject: Re: [LUTE] Melchior Neusidler

  Did you check it with the vocal score. I've worked with some pieces in that
  print.  But do not recall if I found many mistakes.  It is not my
  recollection thatit was fajulty.  Newsidler was in Stuttgart atthe time it
  was published, so hemay have overseen it. Francesco (No. 123) did an
  intabulation and that might help you.

  Incidentally, that Dorothea is Dorothea of Denmark!!  Reputely the most
  beautiful woman in Eruope.  Her lutenist Ochsenkhun was on his death bed and
  I think MN wanted to replace him.


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: LGS-Europe
    To: Lute net
    Sent: Monday, August 29, 2005 8:45 AM
    Subject: [LUTE] Melchior Neusidler

    I have transcribed Arcadelt's Quando io Penso al martire from melchior
    Neusidler's Teutsch Lautenbuch (1574). Its seems to have rather many
    mistakes, but then again, German tablature is not my forte ;-). Anybody
    experience with this lute book and its reliability?


    David van Ooijen

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