
> I have found that using the lightest classical guitar strings
> (medium??) and tuning a pitch low gives a lower tension
> to the strings.  The guitar won't sound as good as a lute,
> and it won't sound as good as a regularly strung classical
> guitar, but it will hael you work on lute rh technique.

After spending a bit of time with the lute I found my guitar to be to "hard"
an action. But instead of changing the strings and tuning I took down the
nut grooves and the bridge a bit to lower the strings over the fingerboard.
That reduces the maximum volume you can play without "buzzing" as you can't
strike too hard, but I play quietly anyway. I'd not suggest it if you don't
have a lot of patience as it is a gradual trial and "no error" process.

Best, Jon

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