Dear Lucas, It has been a while since I last
contacted you but I thought I would tell you what I
have been up to lately. After receiving my theorbo
last December I set to work on learning Kapspurger's
Arpeggiata and a few other pieces. It took a few
months, but I managed to get used to the instrument
while using correct right-hand technique and slowly
learned how to read Italian tabliture. Recently I have
been fortunate in that a theorbist named Pablo
Champion has moved to Santa Fe and I have been
studying with him over the last few weeks. I am
currently working on four Caccini songs from Le Nuove
Musiche that I will be performing with a soprano at
the end of this semester. So far though it has been
much work I am really enjoying the theorbo and
everything I am learning about the music of the early
 Also i was wondering if you know of anywhere to get a
not so expensive baroque guitar? My friend and I want
to start a continuo band.
 I hope that things are well, 
                                       -Mark Opperman

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