At 06:51 PM 12/19/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>In einer eMail vom 20.12.2005 00:02:56 Westeurop=E4ische Normalzeit schreibt
> > Jackson also took the Lord of the Rings a step further and, for me, shed
> > the essence of the original in spectacular Spielbergian tradition.  I find
> > this all a rather strange analogy.
>The problem with Lord of the rings is the sheer size and sheer amount of
>material. I think he kept the essence of the original and stretched the 
>of mainstream cinema in a way that Lucas and Spielberg did 20 years ago.

I understand subplot omissions to make large literary works fit into 2-3 
hrs of film.  However, I definitely do not like the rewrites Jackson's team 
imposed on The Lord of the Rings.  I don't like how he changed he nature of 
the relationship amongst the three approaching Mordor; in doing so, I do 
feel he reshaped the essence of those three central characters and, thus, 
the whole mood of the story.  They were good looking films, at least the 
story was recognizable, and the soundtrack captured an appropriate mood.  I 
also don't like how far we've strayed from the plucked string.

>My problem with war of the worlds is that I get the feeling that using the
>original setting and staying closer to the book were not options that were
>considered at all, because they would not fit into what Hollywood expects
>particulary of a Tom Cruise film.

Period costumes and settings would not be new to Cruise.  Consider 
Interview with a Vampire.

>It is if I were to  to play every kind of lute music on a single strung
>archlute and not even consider that maybe another instrument would be 
>better for a
>particular repertoire.
>I hope there is more to our music than just cosmetic pegboxes, because that
>would be a trauerode and all of our (st john) passion would be spent in vain.

Thank you for rendering this semi-relevant again.


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