On Thu, Mar 30, 2006, Rob Dorsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> If the
> soundboard is too roughly sanded (I don't sand a soundboard, I plane and
> scrape only, even for final finishing) it can erode the softer material in
> the lighter streaks more than the more dense lines, resulting in what I call
> "cupping" of the surface. 

I think of it more like a washboard, and in that perhaps I date myself.

most any working of the surface (plane, scraper, sandpaper...) compresses
both the dense and not-as-dense rings, when wetted during finishing the
softer wood recovers from that compression; if the denser wood was taken
past its youngs modulus it wont recover, also making a washboard.  Over
time the unfinished back of the top will allow moisture to infiltrate the
top, this too will bring on watever washboard is lurking within the wood.

Dana Emery

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