I checked the Internet Movie Database and didn't find anything about 
the music, except that Rob Lane composed  the "original music," i.e. 
composed for the movie.

Caroline Usher wrote:

> They showed a meeting between Elizabeth and Mary Queen of Scots, which 
> I don't think actually happened,

Probably not, but every dramatic version of the story I've ever seen 
has them meeting.  It's just too, as it were, dramatic, to pass up, 
particularly since there's no proof that it didn't happen.

> But then Walsingham et al. persisted in setting up a sting to entrap 
> Mary and force Elizabeth to execute her, which made it seem like 
> Elizabeth was not in control of her own council.

I have no trouble believing this one.  Elizabeth waffled back and forth 
over what to do about Mary for years, and made it pretty clear that she 
didn't want to get her own hands dirty.  Didn't she claim that Mary was 
executed without her knowledge, even after she signed the death warrant?


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