And this time around there's that dark horse in the guise of 
medieval/early pluckery. Often we overlook that there were many lute 
players before Francesco Spinacino (and probably as talented as those 
after). I look forward to hearing what Crawford Young brings to the 


On May 11, 2006, at 8:27 PM, guy_and_liz Smith wrote:

> I've been to quite a few (although I won't be able to make this 
> one:-(, and they normally have a pretty good mix of Baroque and Ren 
> attendees and faculty (including some who do both). I'd guess the 
> usual proportion is roughly 60/40 Ren/Baroque. There should be more 
> than enough in the way of courses to keep you occupied unless your 
> interests are extremely narrow. The usual problem is having too much 
> to choose from and too little time.
> Guy
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Rob Dorsey
>> To: 'Sean Smith' ; 'Lutelist'
>> Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 7:13 PM
>> Subject: [LUTE] Re: LSA Lute Festival 2006 in Cleveland
>> All,
>> It sounds like a great experience but I have a few questions. Do most
>> attendees stay in the dorm? I cannot imagine Cleveland in June without
>> air-conditioning. That brings a dorm room to $600 for the 6 days, add 
>> 400 in
>> "tuition" and it's a grand not counting lunch and beers. That's a 
>> pretty
>> expensive week. That begs the question, in the mind of those who have
>> attended previously, is it worth it? I've got chips flying trying to 
>> get a
>> 13 course baroque instrument finished to take for the "tasting". Will 
>> I be
>> allowed to put it in? Is it mostly a renaissance festival? I see a 
>> couple of
>> baroque players (Satoh, Barto) so it must have a "fair and balanced" 
>> baroque
>> presence. Is that a good assessment?
>> I've had a master class with Satoh before so I know it's most 
>> worthwhile.
>> Will there be baroque folk for the private lessons?
>> So many questions, so little money,
>> Rob Dorsey, luthier
>> Florence, KY USA
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Sean Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 9:39 PM
>> To: Lutelist
>> Subject: [LUTE] Re: LSA Lute Festival 2006 in Cleveland
>> Sounds like a good line-up to me: got the early and late covered, the
>> long-time players, the johnny-come-latelys, serious big names, great
>> teachers and some seriously above-average concerts from names you've 
>> always
>> wondered about.
>> Then there's the other folks who show up: folks who ask good 
>> questions in
>> class, folks who've tried that string set-up you were going to, folks 
>> who
>> scoot over and invite you over to their table, folks w/ a 'this' lute 
>> or a
>> 'his' lute, folks w/ a cool duet, folks selling facsimiles, mod eds 
>> and cds,
>> folks w/ edifying stories, awful jokes and dubious tuning tricks. 
>> Folks
>> definitely getting the lute thing for a week.
>> Sean
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