
You need to be member of the Fronimo Yahoo Group, to accede to  
Reymann book y Fronimo format.

Best wishes,

Jose Luis

El 19/10/2006, a las 18:48, Davide Bioccoli escribi=F3:

> Hi to all,
> Surfing the net I've found the name of Matth=E4us Reymann and his book
> Noctae musicae; I'm curious of knowing something more about this  
> author,so
> does anyone have some info about him and,if possible,some pdf or  
> fronimo
> file of his music?
> Thank you all,
> Davide
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html


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