My attempts to teach myself continuo continue...

I'm looking at a sonata by Corelli:  two instrumental parts plus  
basso continuo.  Under the bass notes are lots of indications for  
dominant 7th and 9th chords, at places where the 7ths and 9ths appear  
in the instrumental parts.  That's no problem.  I can find the  
harmonies okay, but my question is:  if the 7th or 9th is being  
supplied in the upper parts, isn't that the place where I should  
*not* be playing it?  For one thing, with all those streams of  
seventh chords I sound more like Chuck Berry than Corelli, but I'm  
thinking that perhaps those 7's and 9's under the bass are  
editorial.  Maybe the editor worked backwards:  starting with the  
upper parts, and figuring the bassline accordingly.  Or did Corelli  
really want all those 7ths and 9ths doubled in the continuo part?

David R


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