On Nov 14, 2006, at 12:22 PM, Are Vidar Boye Hansen wrote:

> I know the fingerboards of my renaissance lute in G, baroque lute in
> d-minor, archlute in G and fender stratocaster in E. I honestly don't
> understand why many lutensits find this so difficult.

Not to mention acoustic folk guitars in open D, drop-D, slack-key,  
DADGAD, you name it.  I tried slide guitar once:  those thing use  
many different tunings.

Having said that, though, I still prefer to play in the tunings I'm  
most familiar with.  It took me quite a while to find my way around  
Baroque lute tuning, and I'm currently striving, not without some  
difficulty, to become conversant with re-entrant tuning on the theorbo.

David R


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