>> And as far as the specific performance is concerned: there are opinions 
>> out
>> there according to which EK/S's "IN DARKNESS" is likely to be the best
>> Dowland performance ever, full of characted, archtectural, dramatic, 
>> gutsy
>> in actually doing "jarring sound" when the text calls for it, and simplly
>> beautiful, technical issues notwithstanding.
> "There are opinions out there..."?  Where there exactly? And on what
> basis? There really are lots of opininions "out here and out there", on
> whatsoever matter.
> But dear Roman, I hope you are just repeating someones strange opininions
> "out there" about S's Darkness being the greatest? Or do you really share
> that view??
Yes, I do. So do 3 other lutenists that were in attendance at EK/S's concert 
in New York.
As well as some others who bought the CD, and saw beyond the somewhat 
questionable production quality.

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