I like the idea a lot. I listen to a lot of music on the internet: 
the BBC and shows from various college radio stations. I got started 
with shows on the Live365 network and think it's a great place to put 
a lute music - the network spreads the word to a lot of other people 
looking for interesting music and they have an early music "station". 
I know several internet radio programs that have started on Live365 
and then moved off to their own web sites when they have attracted a fan base.
Nancy Carlin

>Hi to all lutenetters out there, what I'm going to write is a little
>idea I had in mind for a long time.... what do you think about creating
>a little radio online dedicated to the world of the lute,vihuela and
>I'm going to try something through shoutcast...for now with my little
>upload bandwidth I can load 16 listeners as maximum...but as a beginning
>that's better than nothing....so I would like to know your opinions
>about a similar project....just to taste.....
>I thought about "Orpheus" as a name...and I think I'll make some trial
>tomorrow morning or night (or even this night)...so if you find orpheus
>in shoutcast yellow pages....give it a try and tell me if all go well...
>Best Regards
>To get on or off this list see list information at

Nancy Carlin Associates
P.O. Box 6499
Concord, CA 94524  USA
phone 925/686-5800 fax 925/680-2582
web site - www.nancycarlinassociates.com
web site - http://LuteSocietyofAmerica.org


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