Most people use some metal in the gut basses, such as loaded or gimped 
strings.  I do not think Sofracob makes those kind of strings.

One player, Toyohiko Satoh, uses plain gut, even to the 13th course.  But, 
Toyohiko uses smaller diameter strings, as he uses a very low tension indeed.

I use gimped basses, and I am very happy with them.


At 01:02 PM 2/7/2007 +0100, Stephan Olbertz wrote:
>Dear all,
>the bridge of my baroque lute came off recently (ouch), but it has been
>fixed and I would like to take the "opportunity" to put new strings on and
>maybe switch to gut. Dan Larsons strings would sum up to about 360 $ (ouch
>again), Aquila is about the same. Does anyone know what Sofracob charges
>for a (13c) set? I couldn't find any information on the web...
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Edward Martin
2817 East 2nd Street
Duluth, Minnesota  55812
voice:  (218) 728-1202

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