Dear all,

Some days ago I asked the lutelist for information on how to locate  
the Gorzanis book of napolitane. One of the members was so kind to  
send me scanned copies of it. In fact my search does not end there.  
My aim is to collect all sources of lute and voice(s). I have  
purchased many of then already (those that are published) but since  
months I am trying yo locate and get copies of the rest. I have  
researched in many libraries and the internet but I could not locate  
the ones on the list below. In many cases I was able to locate the  
libraries that own the originals but they did not even answer my e- 
mails requesting a copy. I know that the American Lute Society has  
many of these books in microfilm. The problem is that in The  
Netherlands, were I live they only have "microfiche" readers since  
the microfilm format seems not to be popular here. It seems that it  
could be possible to make digital copies of microfilms with an  
ordinary computer scanner but I do not know whether the results would  
be good enough. Any ideas?
I kindly ask for your help to give any kind of information on how to  
get copies of any of the books below. Modern edition, facsimile,  
anything would be appreciated.

Thanks very much to all of you.
Best wishes,

Alfonso Marin

TABLATURE DE LUTH ITALIENNE. ca 1505. - 110 pi=E8ces pour luth seul et  
accompagnements pour luth d'=9Cuvres vocales. Fac-simile du ms. de la  
Biblioth=E8que nationale, Paris. Res. Vmd. ms. 27. Introduction de F.  
Lesure. Gen=E8ve, 1981. OUT OF PRINT

Pierre Phal=E8se 1553
Horti musarum secunda pars (Louvain : Phal=E8se)

Guillaume Morlaye 1554
Premier livre de psalmes (Paris : Michel Fezandat)

Cornelio Antonelli 1570
Il turturino il primo libro delle napolitane ariose (Venice :  
Girolamo Scotto)

Gasparo Fiorino 1571, 1573
La nobilt=E0 di roma (Venice : Girolamo Scotto)

Adrian Le Roy 1571
Livre d'airs de cour miz sur le luth (Paris : Adrian Le Roy & Robert  

Gabriel Fallamero 1584
Il primo libro de intavolatura da liuto (Venice : Girolamo Scotto)

Simone Verovio 1586,1590
Diletto spirituale canzonette (Rome : Martin van Buyten)

Simone Verovio 1589
Ghirlanda di fioretti musicali (Rome)

Orazio Vecchi 1590. 1595
Selva di varia ricreatione (Venice : Angelo Gardano)

Simone Verovio 1591
Canzonette a quattro voci (Rome : Simone Verovio)

Giacomo Vincenti 1591a
Canzonette per cantar et sonar di liuto a tre voci ... libro primo  
(Venice : Giacomo Vincenti)

Giacomo Vincenti 1591b
Canzonette per cantar et sonar di liuto a tre voci ... libro secondo  
(Venice : Giacomo Vincenti)

Giacomo Vincenti 1591c
Canzonette per cantar et sonar di liuto a tre voci ... libro terzo  
(Venice : Giacomo Vincenti)

Paolo Bellasio 1592
Di Paolo Bellasio maestro della musica ... (Venice : Angelo Gardano)

Adrian Denss 1594
Florilegium omnis fere generis cantionum ... (Cologne? : Gerardus  

Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi 1594
Balletti a tre voci con la intavolatura del liuto (Venice : Ricciardo  

Simone Verovio 1595
Lodi della musica a3 voci (Rome : Simone Verovio)

Giovanni Giacomo Gastoldi 1598
Balletti a tre voci con la intavolatura del liuto


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