Lest you succumb to food poisoning, fill the freezer with cardboard 
milk (or soymilk for you vegans)
containers full of water (which then freezes) to maintain the 
internal temperature.
This will lower your power bill as well.
Virtually silent fridges are available, but a cheap fix is the 
insulate the feet with Sorbothane.
The sound can be removed from the recording using a notch filter at 
60 Hz (US, Canada, etc))
and 50 Hz (Europe, etc)

The main thing that is going to give you a better recording is, in 
order of effect
1. Mic placement--don't point them at the lute, use shock mounts
2. The mics, must have lute friendly mics, don't ever buy what the 
salesperson recommends
(if you do, Immediately return them!)
3.The room: minimum10x12 feet, preferably 15x25 or bigger.
4. The preamp. Just say no to platicky preamps
5. The converter (analong to digital) use the latest Crystal Semi chip

Don't be too disappointed by the sound--recording studios use other 
tricks as well to juice up the sound, just like the
digital cameras saturate the solors.
What we really need is recordings that sound real, not syrupy.
But the market has spoken, and it says
"must sound good in car."

At 09:23 AM 7/10/2007, you wrote:
>I like the technology behind and the sound of impulse response reverb:
>recreate the sound of an existing room and use that to add reverb. Very
>natural. But my playing is not in that room, so I play differently. Said
>differently: it's easier for the ear with the reverb, but not more musical.
>A delicate touch of reverb to make it more smooth is no problem, of course,
>but if it's not needed, I think it would be better and at least easier in
>some respects. So, back to the drawing board.
>I unplugged the refrigirator and the air circulation again and sat myself
>with lute in the living room. Peter Philips on the music stand and mics with
>omni caps and much further away and higher this time. It's not a church, but
>not as dry as a studio either. Listen for yourself at:
>As usual: comments welcome.
>David van Ooijen
>To get on or off this list see list information at

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