On Jul 28, 2007, at 3:46 AM, Rob wrote:

> I've added an introductory overview of the German Continuo Theorbo  
> to my
> website. Does anyone play this instrument, or with this tuning?

Hi Rob et al.,

I have one of those large Edlinger 13c instruments:  75.5 x 83cm.   
I've thought about using it as a continuo instrument, and the only  
reason I don't is that it's tuned at A=415, and I would be playing  
with instrumentalists in 440.  I'm sure my friends wouldn't want to  
trade in their recorders for new sets in 415.

Actually, I don't find that 75.5 cm is too long for solo repertoire.   
There are some difficult stretches involved here and there, but  
nothing that makes playing impossible.

Assuming that I re-string for A=440, why change the string  
configuration (i.e. move everything down one position)?  Why not  
leave the tuning the way it is?  Is it so important to have a low F?

Another question is:  Do you think that 83cm at the bass rider is  
long enough to use single bass stringing?


David Rastall


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