        A vihuelist on the French list reports he has adapted these pegs =
himself for his vihuela (or rather vice versa) and tells us they are =20
very pleasant indeed. Only the price, 270 USD for 12 pegs, he says, =20
prevents him from equiping all his instruments.

However, you do have to widen the peg-holes. The pegs themselve screw =20=

into the hole, and some gluing is involved. Therefore, having them =20
fitted by a specialist, as you suggest, would seem much safer.

However, perhaps, this still might weaken the peg-box structure; and =20
if your lute is an exact copy of a historic lute, the pegs may no =20
longer look the part. Unless they can exactly match the outside shape.
Fear that these pegs could perhaps be heavier than the originals, =20
which could effect the sound, has been contradicted by the Vihuelist, =20=

who says they seem as light as his original pegs.

The explanations are here :

Le 29 sept. 07 =E0 11:52, henk a =E9crit :

> Interesting..?
> There are some enclosed foto's, if someone wants to see them let me =20=

> know. (Earlier I forewarded the mail with enclosures, but that =20
> doesn't seem to work - with an empty message as result).
> Henk Pakker
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: John Charles Herin
> To: henk
> Sent: Friday, September 28, 2007 5:10 PM
> Subject: Re: Lute Pegs
> Dear Henk:
> If you send my your pegs, of another set of your choice, I can fit =20
> your heads to my mechanism.
> I can match the color of the outer shank to ebony or rosewood =20
> heads.  The portion of the shank within the peg box wall will be =20
> black in either case.
> I have sold quite a few sets for lute.  On customer Derek Bowers of =20=

> California, USA has over the years converted three instruments.
> Please let me know if I can help you.
> Sincerely
> Chuck Herin
> henk wrote:
>   Hello,
>   Is it possible to make them for (baroque) lutes as well...? (see =20
> photo).
>   Best regards,
>   Henk Pakker
>   The Netherlands
> --
> To get on or off this list see list information at
> http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~wbc/lute-admin/index.html

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