Dear All,
I made a setting of 'O bone Jesu' for voice and lute several years ago,
and I have included it in quite a number of lute song concerts given
in churches. It taught me a lot about how to perform intabulations.
It's very tempting to play the Francesco solo version of this piece
too quickly because the notes die away on the lute, but in a vocal 
performance a slower tempo is essential to give the music room to
breathe and to express the dignity of the text.I feel that it's very 
exciting that we are at last beginning to hear more vocal performances
of these early pieces with lute accompaniment - as for example in 
recordings by Accordone, the Mignarda duo, and the new recordings
available from E Lucevan Le Stelle. There is nothing quite like having
the sound of the vocal version in mind when playing an intabulation.

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Andrico [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 22 November 2007 21:00
To: Arthur Ness; Martin Shepherd; Lute Net
Subject: [LUTE] Re: chansons intabulated

Dear Martin, Arthur & all:
The part-music for this wonderful motet (no matter who wrote it) can also be
found on the Choral Public Domain, attributed to Compere, at
As with most CPD music, it is available for download as a pdf, midi or in a
Finale file for those of us who like to fix the mistakes.  Another source
for the part-music is volume II of Chiesa's guitar transcriptions of
Francesco's music (Edition Suvini Zerboni, Milan, 1971).  I'm told this
edition is as hard to find as the other.  Chiesa included all the part-music
parallel with his guitar transcriptions. 
Best wishes,
Ron Andrico 
> Date: Thu, 22 Nov 2007 12:02:22 -0500> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED];> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: [LUTE] Re:
chansons intabulated> > Yes, the motet attr. Comp=E8re is in> > Albert
Smijers, ed., _*Van Ockeghem tot Sweelinck,*_> vol. 4 (Amsterdam 1952),>
page 116. (Almost every music library will have> Smijers's edition)> > A
transcription from the Tarzona manuscript is also> availlable (in a
surprisingly large number of> libraries):> > Pedro Calahorra, ed.,> >
Autores hispanos de los siglos XV-XVI de los ms. 2 y 5> de la Catedral de
Tarazona /> > Zaragoza : Institucion "Fernando el Catolico", Seccion> de
Musica Antigua, Excma. Diputacion> Provincial, 1995.> > 1 score (193 p.) ;
31 cm.> > General Note: Sacred vocal works for 3-4 voices by> > Antonio de
Ribera,> Alonso de Alba,> Pedro de Escobar,> Juan Illario,> Pedro Diaz de
Aux,> Senabria,> Pedro de Pastrana,> Juan Estiche,> Pedro Yniguez,> Juan
Garcia de Basurto, and> Martin de Ribaflecha.> >!
 > Contents:> > I. Estudio. Los manuscritos polifonicos de la Catedral> de
Tarazona en el S. XVI> -- Los manuscritos polifonicos de la Catedral de>
Tarazona hoy dia> -- Manuscritos, composiciones y autores del presente> Vol.
IX de Polifonia aragonesa> -- Composiciones del presente volumen de
polifonia> -- Los autores y sus obras> -- La transcripcion. --> > II.
Trancripcion.> -- Ave Maria ; Patris sapientia ; O bone Iesus / Antonio> de
Ribera> > -- O sacrum convivium ; O felix Maria ; Te ergo> quaesumus /
Alonso de Alba> > -- Clamabat autem mulier ; Stabat mater doolorosa ;>
Merorare, piissima ; Regina coeli ; Beatus es et> benetibi erit / Pedro de
Escobar> > -- O admirabile commercium ; Conceptio tua / Juan> Illario> > --
Ave sanctissimum / Pedro Diaz de Aux> > -- Lilium sacrum / Senabria> > --
Sicut cervus ; In te, Domine, speravi ; Salmo> miserere (Miserere mei deus ;
Tibi soli peccavi) ;> Pater, dimitte illis. / Pedro de Pastrana> > -- Ave
maris stella ; Et incarnatus est!
  / Juan Estiche> > -- Beatus es et bene tibi erit / Pedro Ynig!
 uez> > -
- Dic nobis Maria ; Benedicamus domino / Juan Garcia de> Basurto> > --
Benedicamus domino / Pedro de Pastrana> > -- Benedicamus domino / Martin de
Ribaflecha.> > There seems to be additional information (which I have> niot
seen) in an article by Owen Rees in Early Music> 23/3 (1995): 410-20.> >
==AJN> Boston, Mass.> This week's free download from> Classical Music
Library:> Mahler: Symphony No. 5> Go to my web page:>> For some free scores, go to:>> ----- Original
Message ----- > From: "Martin Shepherd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: "Arthur
Ness" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 4:15 AM>
Subject: Re: [LUTE] Re: chansons intabulated> > > > Dear Arthur,> >> >
Thanks for this information - is the original score of> > this motet
available?> >> > Best wishes,> >> > Martin> >> > Arthur Ness wrote:> >> >>
Dear Manolo,> >>> >> It's always nice to see an interest !
 in intabulations> >> of> >> vocal music. I'll be adding some by Sermisy
and> >> Passereau et al. to the Marco site. In the> >> meantime, thanks to
POD, your interest in Comp=E8re may> >> be increased if> >> you were to know
that the Francesco motet> >> intabulation> >> of "O bone Jesu" (No. 111) is
probably not by> >> Comp=E8re, but> >> rather by Antonio de Ribera, a
Spanish singer in the> >> papal chapel in Rome when Francesco was active as>
>> chamber musician to the Pope. The motet is described> >> in a> >>
manuscript in Tarazona as "il piu bello motetto del> >> mundo." And
certainly it has become a favorite with> >> lutenists. (of course, it's not
a chanson, which you> >> seek.)> >> ==AJN> >> Boston, Mass.> >> This week's
free download from> >> Classical Music Library:> >> Mahler: Symphony No. 5>
>> Go to my web page:> >>> >> For
some free scores, go to:> >>> >> ----- Origin!
 al Message ----- From: "Manolo Laguillo"> >> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
m>> >> To: "LUTELIST" <>> >> Sent: Wednesday, 
m>> >> November 21, 2007 1:46 PM> >> Subject: [LUTE] chansons 
m>> >> intabulated> >>> >>> >>> Hi,> >>>> >>> does somebody know if 
m>> >> intabulations of french> >>> chansons> >>> (Compere,> >>> 
m>> >> Janequin, Certon...) are available on the Net? A> >>> quick> >>> 
m>> >> search provided> >>> only music in staff form.> >>>> >>> Of 
m>> >> course, I can try intabulating them myself, but> >>> first I want 
m>> >> to be> >>> sure that the job has not been done before.> >>>> >>> 
m>> >> I will apreciate any indication.> >>>> >>> Saludos from 
m>> >> Barcelona,> >>>> >>> Manolo Laguillo> >>>> >>> -- > >>>> >>> To 
m>> >> get on or off this list see list information at> >>> 
m>> >>> >>>> >>> 
m>> >> >>> >>> >>> >> >> > >
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