
I think most people would find Besard's tolerant attitude appealing.
Historical technique is not the only thing that matters. I am happy to
listen to fine playing by a good musician, even if he/she has made some
perfectly reasonable practical compromises about technique. I certainly
don't want the authenticity police to start to range the lute world-though
at times in the recent past, the attitude of the "thumb under rules" school
has had a rather Victorian complacency to it. I remember a student returning
form a course with a Famous Lutenist around 1994, who had told him that he
found it hard to believe that that people were still playing thumb out!

Remember, however that Besard's instructions date from 1603 or earlier-right
in the middle of the technique changeover. For most of the music in Varietie
of Lute Lessons, or Thesaurus Harmonicus, I'd be fairly happy to play either
thumb out or thumb under-though of course Besard does actually argue for
thumb out. Later writers, for example Vallet and Stobeus are not so
tolerant. Perhaps the reason for this is that musical styles began to change
to make use of the particular attributes of the newer technique. I have in
mind works like the Robert Johnson Fantasia, or the wonderful Fantasias of
Cuthbert Hely, which make great use of the contrasted registers of the lute,
and containing many passages of two note chords on courses 4,5,and 6,
together with a note on the diapason strings. I find that thumb out on gut
strings gives much greater clarity in such passages because the fingers are
striking the lower strings much closer to the bridge.

Thumb under seems to me to favour an equal balance between treble and
bass-the thumb is closer to the bridge relative to the fingers. Thumb out
seems to give more contrast between the registers of the lute-brighter
treble strings with warm basses. Good for dance music, and remember that
dance music seems to be at the core of the  English lute repertory in
Dowland's time. If I am right about the move towards greater contrast
between registers, then this change would also have been accentuated by the
move away from octave bass stringing, which Dowland documents.

Best wishes


On 15/12/07 18:00, "Denys Stephens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear All,
> A word of advice from one of the 'old ones:'
> 'Neither would I have thee thinke that in this that I detract
> from the other differing ways, which other men do use, not
> unfitly, so that there be reason for them, and an easy gracefulnesse
> in them. For a man may come to the same place divers ways, and that
> sweet Harmony of the Lute (the habit whereof wee doe daily affect with so
> great travaile) may strike our eares with an elegant delighte, though the
> hand be diversly applied.'
> From 'Necessarie observations belonging to the lute, and lute playing'
> John Baptisto Besardo, translated by John Dowland, A Varietie of lute
> lessons,
> London, 1610. 
> Best wishes,
> Denys
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Rastall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 15 December 2007 15:51
> To: Martin Eastwell
> Cc: Martyn Hodgson; Martin Shepherd; Lute Net
> Subject: [LUTE] Re: RH on the bridge?
> On Dec 15, 2007, at 10:19 AM, Martin Eastwell wrote:
>> I
>> make a point of talking about historical RH techniques at some point,
>> and have quite often encountered surprise and even hostility from
>> students because what I was suggesting flew in the face of the
>> teachings or performing practice of their favourite lute "guru".
> Then the "guru's" are wrong.  The teachings and performance practices of the
> Old Ones are what we should be studying, and alas, this goes against what we
> learn from the "gurus" who have invented this hybrid thumb-in / thumb-out
> thing because they themselves can't handle the way the lute was played in
> the old days.  Yes, we are going to have to drastically re-evaluate our
> ideas of what kind of sound the Old Ones were actually going for!
> My $0.02
> DR
> --
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